Started work on the game again, here is the progress I made

In order to make this a working prototype, I have to fix/update the things that are already in the game.

The book fetch quest mission wasn't working, the collider was not big enough so that's fixed now.

The caves are lower, but I still want to redesign the caves altogether.

Fixed a lone grey tile on the mini-map in illustrator

The hp gain from drinking a health potion is a little higher-form 100 points to 200.

The shop button for moving the page to the next page is bigger/In the end, I removed the second page since I had fewer items now.

Remove the nature potion and replace it with a defense potion (Nature energy no longer can be used by the player, only the dryads should have that power).

Replace the top tile on skybox top-fixed in photoshop

Still fixing the lighting, but is better now.

The player should only burn tree/ice obstacles when in range so the trigger box is bigger, and the completion bar for the obstacle should show up quicker now.

Moved the camera down a bit so Nova is not touching the bottom of the screen.

Fixed zombie loot and  warlock loot FIXED IT,  NEED TO CHANGE ALL OF THE VALUES TO MULTIPLES OF 5

Removed reappearing gold chests (I want to create a fun way to get more gold than to wait around for a chest to re-appear)

For the mission to cure the dragons, at first the player needed 7 of all brewing items, like seven of each fower and element to give to the witch, but now, all you need are six of each potion. (Why six, we are removing the light and air dragon and replacing it with a re-designed air dragon, making it six dragons that are sick. The air, shadow, fire, water, snow, cursed dragons. The player is constered the sun/light dragon. With Nova, this makes it seven dragons that will be in the game.)

Changed 2nd line of dialogue for mushroom witch after giving her the potions to cure the dragon.

Fix shop button from taking out the nature ability(errors fixed)

The player can walk through chests and pick them up

Made ally circles (they are green versions of the enemy circles)

The lost colt is closer to its mother(it goes on ally tile to stop collision with mother)

Fixed nova's velocity causing her rigid body to fly up when running up slopes, now gravity works as intended.

Torches go out after some time to make energy renewable, it gives 1 energy now instead of 5.

Still needs to be fixed

Fix transition from walking to idle for the baby unicorn.


Running over an invisible object in the grassland area near castles, need to find the object and remove it. Possibly a leftover collider.

Nothing can be saved yet/still working on a save system.

Change the floor textures to get rid of extra roads, now that the houses are gone.

Character icons on the map will have a white outline, to make them clearer to see on the mini-map.

Sketch out routes for each enemy to walk on that make sense story-wise (EX: Rogue unicorn wanders around the hard, but never through it since he was banished by their leader.) (I want enemies to wander around and be trackable on the map, I also want them to be recruitable too, once I fix the companion feature in the game.)

Make more dialogue for the other characters

Fix the cauldron mission. The bar only goes up when Nova breaths fire on it, use an enemy bar script but in reverse, when zombie hits it, it goes down to zero. The zombies are causing a bit of lag, so I will need to figure out spawning them in without slowing down the game.

Make winning dialogue for the cauldron brew witch mission.

Fix the icons for the HotBar to make them all have the same color-purple, black, white

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