More information about the game ^_^ (with pictures)

Name: Shequana Garnett 

Project Name: SuperNova Dragon 

Type of Project: 3D Video Game

Made on Unity Game Engine, Assets created in Blender, Illustrator, and Photoshop.

Rating: E for everyone (children-friendly game) (Ages 12+)

Genre: Fantasy, RPG

Role: Shequana Garnett - Level Design, Characters Design, Graphics, Initial Testing, Artist, Main Coder (Special thanks to Professor Sam Levine for help with coding and his son for testing the game), Story, UI Design, UX Design, and Documentation

Potential GamePlay Time: About 1 hour


You play as a dragon who finds her fellow dragons accidentally poisoned by some bad tea at a tea party hosted by a careless witch.  With them immobile, it is up to you to help create a potion to heal the dragons and take on their responsibilities in the meantime. Change your dragon breath with potions, help creatures in need, and defeat hostile enemies.

  • The game consists of 30 missions, five for each of the six areas.

These missions include…

Forest area 

 Defeat a knight

Defeat a unicorn 

Defeat a dryad

Find a lost baby unicorn


Clear a tree from the road using your dragon breath

Fire area

Defeat a hellhound

Defeat a phoenix

Defeat a fire imp

Light a fire beacon to keep the residents warm

Use your water breath power to water a dryad

Water Area

Defeat a shark siren

Defeat an octopus siren

Defeat a kelpie

Donate a book to the waterlogged library for a witch who is too scared to travel

Defeat the leviathans that have taken resided in the castle

Ice Area

Defeat an ice person

Defeat a snow person

Defeat a snow wolf

Clear ice from the road using your dragon breath

Light an ice fire beacon to keep the residents cool

Shadow Area 

Defeat a Lycan

Defeat a vampire

Defeat a wendigo

Talk to Kitty (the leader of the Lycans) about a newly turned werewolf that is now in their care

Light a shadow beacon to keep the residents hidden in darkness

Light/Sky Area

Defeat a griffin

Defeat a sphinx 

Defeat a centaur

Defeat a manticore that wants to test her strength and courage against you

Find a minotaur that got lost in its maze

Witch Area

Defeat a witch

Defeat a zombie

Defeat a warlock

Help a witch brew a potion while keeping zombies away from it with your fire

Assist the witch that accidentally made the dragons sick with her tea, by gathering 3 of each flower and energy, to make a cure for the sick dragons


Changing Nova’s Fire Breath: Change the element of Nova’s dragon breath to combat different enemies.

Dragon Breath Type: Fire

Dragon Breath Type: Mystic/Magic

Dragon Breath Type: Sky/Air

Dragon Breath Type: Ice/Snow

Dragon Breath Type: Shadow

Dragon Breath Type: Water

********************************************************************************************************************************************************Shop: Check the shop to see what ingredients you need to make a potion. Collect gold from castles after defeating their golem/leviathan. Collect flowers (that can regrow after being picked, but can be immediately regrown using a green dragon breath). Collect energy from lighting fire beacons using the fire breath that matches its element, and defeating enemies. Healing potions restore 100 points of health and defense potions to make her more resistant to attacks.


********************************************************************************************************************************************************Lose/Win Screens

This is the starting screen

The winning screen (complete all of the missions)

The losing screen (lose all your health points)

********************************************************************************************************************************************************Note: The game is winnable/Playable, but it needs a lot more polish and work in terms of game mechanics (I am not a coder so it's a struggle, so I'm mostly relying on logic to code, writing out what I want to code to do (with pictures) and trying to code out what I want to happen... then I ask for help because I don't know what I'm doing lol). 

Finally, here is a website that I used to document the progress of my game during college. To be honest, I only made the game to see if I could actually make a game and practice making 3D models with animations, but I love Nova, she is my baby! So I've chosen to keep working on this game ^_^.

Shequana Garnett’s ePortfolio – A City Tech OpenLab ePortfolio (

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